Sunday, 7 February 2016

Jackson Pollack works of art. PMLD groups

 Paper laid into trays. Colour paints chosen. Balls with different surfaces rolled around. Pupils interact as much as possible, in whatever way suits.
Gilt Baroque frames are produced by paper towel mache scrunched and placed on card strips to be later painted with metallic paints.

Rauschenberg collages. PLMD groups 2014

Clay trees. 2013.ASD group.

Christmas reindeer

Habitat wall display. SLD group.

Theme for the term was Habitat. We looked at forests.
The class produced all of the wall display. 
Painted, collaged grass.
Trees, painted, scratched in with forks, twigs from pipe cleaners, leaves from tissue paper.
Hedgehogs, painted, scratched.
Poly printed owls and birds of prey.
Joint dusk skies on rolls of paper covering the tables, using spinges, rollers, brushes, hands etc.
3D owls: papier mache bodies. rolled cardboard eyes. paint. feathers. googly eyes. pipecleaner feet. Kids LOVED them!

Habitat. Abstract forests. ASD group